
Towards the Circular Economy

Towards the Circular Economy


The concept of circular economy describes the interactions between economy and Environment in a closed system; its objective is the intelligent, sustainable and integrating use of the resources and waste of the processes. The circular economy analyzes all the options throughout the life of the product and throughout the chain. At this moment, the circular economy is the main strategy to generate growth and employment in the EU, which encourages companies to follow this economic model. That's how it works:

  1. Weigh and estimate the environmental impact from the conception of the product and throughout its life cycle: eco-conception.
  2. It establishes an industrial organization based on the same territory optimizing the flows of materials, energy, services and waste.
  3. Look for the second use, the reintroduction in the economic cycle of products that no longer match the initial needs for which they were designed.
  4. The reuse of waste or parts of the same usable are key in the development of new products.
  5. Its principles are the repair, recycling and energy use of non-recyclable waste or recovery.

The Action Plan for the European Circular Economy accelerates the transition in the continent, creating jobs, new business opportunities, new economic models. Europe is a pioneer in this irreversible global trend and the potential for growth is enormous. There are still areas not considered in the plan, efforts to be undertaken and many challenges to achieve a competitive, climate-neutral circular economy in which pressure on natural resources and ecosystems is minimized.

In this frame, the gummed paper fulfills all the requirements and does not suppose additional costs of separate cardboard at the time of recycling.

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