
Product, export and packaging

Product, export and packaging


A product is exportable when, due to its characteristics of use, design, presentation, quality, price, delivery and after-sales service, it is competitive in a country or market other than its origin. The more complete and deeper the knowledge about the target markets, the more attentive the observation of their reaction to the product, and the more willing the action accordingly, the more chances of success will be given.

It will be necessary to pay attention to cultural factors, such as name, colors, size and, of course, labelling, packaging, which must be adapted to different regulations.

The product’s packaging material is essential: in all parts of the world, customers are attentive to innovation and the latest trends. The packaging highlights the characteristics of the product, reveals attributes and differentiates the image of the company, in addition to its basic function of protection and optimal maintenance of the products. It is necessary to project it carefully, not only for its appearance and legal graphic information, but to keep the cost of the packaging system under control in the general comercial strategy.

The material for the product packaging will always be based on its protection capacity, its durability and condition in the storage and transport processes conditions. Mastering the diversity of existing materials, their properties and their cycle in the chain is essential for this choice. The packaging  export products design must follow the indications of international regulations and legislation, established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

The process of preparing a product for distribution requires several phases; when is for export, this process is more demanding.

For the product preparation phase:

  • Clean the product of dust, fingertips or traces of its manufacturing process, as well as any trace of moisture.
  • Protect products with delicate surfaces (polished metal or wood, glass, lacquered or leathers) with appropriate wraps.

Corrugated box assembly.

  • Opening and folding the boxes without forcing or breaking corners or faces.
  • Paste or tape the funds at a perfect right angle.
  • Secure caps without damaging them.

Filling corrugated cardboard boxes.

  • Product introduction without forcing it.
  • Check that all product components remain inside the packaging.
  • Fixation or inmobilization, if necessary, and introduction of damping materials.

For the closing and sealing of the cardboard box flaps, the manuals recommend to use whenever posible gummed paper tape, the only material that, when unifying the box instantaneously, offers the security and guarantee of integral closure and sealing of the cardboard box, in addition to providing a perfect basis for printing the necessary data on shipping marks –according to sea or air transport-, information and handling, and  the hallmarks of your brand too.

We must remark also that sustainability in packaging has become one of the main reasons why consumers value a product and prefer it to others.

In our long experience, we have customers who started using gummed paper tape in their shipments only for export, at the request of their foreign customers, and, after checking their multiple advantages, they adopted this solution for all of their shipments…

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